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TEJAL RZ F1 (49-13) product photo view-3 L
TEJAL RZ F1 (49-13) product photo front L
TEJAL RZ F1 (49-13) product photo view-2 L
TEJAL RZ F1 (49-13) product photo view-3 L
TEJAL RZ F1 (49-13) product photo front L
TEJAL RZ F1 (49-13) product photo front S
TEJAL RZ F1 (49-13) product photo view-2 S
TEJAL RZ F1 (49-13) product photo view-3 S

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Nom de la variété
TEJAL RZ F1 (49-13)
Numéro d'introduction
49-13 RZ F1
Strong and easy crop

Tejal RZ is a medium green celery variety with a nice sweet flavour. The plant is very tolerant to bolting and strongly resists black heart. Tejal RZ has a compact habit with no side shoots which makes it easy to clean. Tejal RZ is recommended for over-wintering and summer cultivation.

• Strongly resists bolting and black hearts
• Compact plant
• Sweet flavour