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FLORTRES RZ F1 (26-CF8100) product photo default L
FLORTRES RZ F1 (26-CF8100) product photo default L
FLORTRES RZ F1 (26-CF8100) product photo default L
FLORTRES RZ F1 (26-CF8100) product photo default S

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Nom de la variété
FLORTRES RZ F1 (26-CF8100)
Numéro d'introduction
26-CF8100 RZ F1
Resistances (IR)
Product info:
- vigorous blue & waxy plant
- compact, dense & yielding white curd
- broad leaves are strong to diseases
- heavy & very well protected curds (+2kg)
- 1st variety based on Multi-Individual-Floret-Concept (MIFC 50%)

Growing info:
- maturity range (95-115 days)
- for autumn harvest Europe/LATAM/North America

Market info:
- mainly recommended for processing trials

- labor saving due to concentrated harvest
- upright bottom for an easy cut
- great yield & high percentage usable florets
- simply to be floretted with low crumble percentage