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PORTIA RZ (89-009) product photo default L
PORTIA RZ (89-009) product photo default L
PORTIA RZ (89-009) product photo default L
PORTIA RZ (89-009) product photo default S

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Nom de la variété
PORTIA RZ (89-009)
Numéro d'introduction
89-009 RZ

Versatile summer rocket with high yield

Portia RZ is ideal for warm climates, boasting very late bolting and an upright growth habit that facilitates easy harvesting. Its thick, light green leaves are less deeply serrated than standard rocket varieties. Portia RZ is tolerant to Downy Mildew and moderately resistant to Fusarium Wilt, offering a broad harvest window and high leaf yield in a single harvest. However, it is not suited for cold conditions due to its slow growth in cooler temperatures.